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Literary Essays on Gothic Horror, Ghost Stories, & Weird Fiction

from  Mary  Shelley  to  M.  R.  James —

by M. Grant Kellermeyer

— S U B S C R I B E 

To our Blog and Newsletter, The Gothic Almanack

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Oldstyle Tales' Classic Horror Blog Voted #9 Among Literary Horror Bloggers

M. Grant Kellermeyer

A huge thanks to the Feedspot Blog for voting Oldstyle Tales' Classic Horror Blog the 9th best literary horror blog on the internet. Now, without invalidating the vox populi, I feel most sincerely that there are many bloggers out there with far edgier, hipper, more interesting content, but I know that our readers -- you, my dear friends -- appreciate the rather subdued tone of our courtly but self-deprecating personality.

We solve a common problem: literary horror without context can be messy and tedious, and even the learned among us can miss out on the obscured power of a classic horror tale without a friendly tour guide. We offer our service to you as that tour guide, and offer to make your literary travels richer and more meaningful.

If you haven't seen our website recently, we have been working round the clock since last October to bring it up to more professional standards, and have been unleashing a torrent of new content on classic horror, classic horror writers, and classic horror genres. There are scads of new posts under our "best of" (lists of the 7 or so best short stories by a particular author), "spooky spotlights" (a post undressing the history, symbolism, and bibliography of a particular sub-genre; e.g., supernatural cats, devils and demons), and our "macabre masters" (a deep analysis of a particular horror writer's oeuvre) tags. Check them out if you are so generously inclined!

Last year we came in at #67 on Feedspot's breakdown of the top literary horror blogs, and it was honor enough to be voted in the top 100 -- just once. I am so grateful to our many readers, friends, and followers for helping us to expand our readership, increase our quality, and bring classic horror to new generations. Thank you so much for allowing us to be involved in your literary journeys.

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