Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton; John Kendrick Bangs; Stephen Vincent Benet;
Charles Brockden Brown; Willa Cather; Stephen Crane; Emma Frances Dawson;
Olivia Howard Dunbar; Mary E. Wilkins Freeman; Ellen Glasgow;
Nathaniel Hawthorne; Patrick Lafcadio Hearn; Washington Irving; Henry James;
Sarah Orne Jewett; Harriet Prescott Spofford; Mark Twain; Edith Wharton
Ambrose Bierce; Robert W. Chambers; Irvin S. Cobb; Ralph Adams Cram;
F. Marion Crawford; Charlotte Perkins Gilman; Julian Hawthorne;
David H. Keller, M.D.; Jack London; H.P. Lovecraft; Herman Melville;
William Chambers Morrow; Fitz-James O'Brien; Edgar Allan Poe;
Francis Stevens (Gertrude B. Bennett); Edward Lucas White;
Henry St. Clair Whitehead
CANADIAN HORROR (The Terror of Wilderness)
Grant Allen; Honoré Beaugrand; W.H. Blake; S. Carleton; John Charles Dent;
Philippe Aubert de Gaspé; Stephen Leacock; Gilbert Parker; Charles G. D. Roberts; Mazo de la Roche; Robert Service; Duncan Campbell Scott;
Vincent Starrett; Alan Sullivan;

{1857 - 1948} Recommended Readings - The Caves of Death Death and the Woman The Striding Place Crowned with One Crest Death and the Countess The Bell in the Fog The Greatest Good of the Greatest Number The Tragedy of a Snob The Foghorn Eternal Now Sacrificial Altar

{1898 - 1943} Recommended Readings - Jacob and the Indians; A Tooth for Paul Revere; The Devil and Daniel Webster; The King of the Cats; Freedom’s a Hard-Bought Thing; O’Hollaoran’s Luck; The Die-Hard; Johnny Pye and the Fool-Killer; Spanish Bayonet; Too Early Spring; The Story About the Anteater; Schooner Fairchild’s Class; Everybody Was Very Nice; All Around the Town Glamour; No Visitors; A Death in the Country; The Curfew Tolls; The Last of the Legions; The Blood of the Martyrs

{1862 - 1937} Recommended Readings - The Lady’s Maid’s Bell The Eyes Afterward Kerfol The Triumph of Night The Duchess at Prayer Miss Mary Pask Bewitched The Fulness of Life Mr Jones Pomegranate Seed The Looking Glass A Journey All Souls’ A Bottle of Perrier

{1857 - 1948} Recommended Readings - The Caves of Death Death and the Woman The Striding Place Crowned with One Crest Death and the Countess The Bell in the Fog The Greatest Good of the Greatest Number The Tragedy of a Snob The Foghorn Eternal Now Sacrificial Altar

{1842-1914?} Recommended Readings - The Death of Halpin Frayser The Middle-toe of the Right Foot John Bartine's Watch Some Haunted Houses The Man and the Snake The Moonlit Road The Damned Thing Moxon's Master The Ways of Ghosts Beyond the Wall A Watcher by the Dead Mysterious Disappearances The Suitable Surroundings The Eyes of the Panther An Inhabitant of Carcosa The Night-Doings at "Deadman's"

{1865-1933} Recommended Readings - 'The King in Yellow' - The Repairer of Reputations - The Yellow Sign - The Mask - The Demoiselle D'Ys - In the Court of the Dragon - The Prophet's Paradise The Maker of Moons; The Harbor Master; A Pleasant Evening; Pompre Funebre; The Tomb of Samaris;The Messenger; The White Shadow; Passeur; The Key to Grief; Un Peu d’Amour

{1882-1932} Recommended Readings - Tea Leaves; The Door; The Fireplace; Sea Change; The Thin Match; The Wonderful Thing; Across the Gulf; Jumbee; Obi in the Carribean; West India Lights; The Left Eye; The Shadows; The Cult of the Skull; Sweet Grass; The Lips; The Tabernacle Hill Drums; The Moon-Dial; Seven Turns in a Hangman’s Rope; No Eyewitnesses; Sea-Tiger; In Case of Disaster Only; The Ravel Pavane; Scar Tissue; Bothon

{1842-1914?} Recommended Readings - The Death of Halpin Frayser The Middle-toe of the Right Foot John Bartine's Watch Some Haunted Houses The Man and the Snake The Moonlit Road The Damned Thing Moxon's Master The Ways of Ghosts Beyond the Wall A Watcher by the Dead Mysterious Disappearances The Suitable Surroundings The Eyes of the Panther An Inhabitant of Carcosa The Night-Doings at "Deadman's"

{1848 -1899} Recommended Readings - Kalee’s Shrine; The Devil’s Die; The White Man’s Foot; The Jaws of Death; The Great Taboo; The Tents of Shem; Michael’s Crag; The British Barbarians; My New Year’s Eve Among the Mummies; Our Scientific Observations on a Ghost; The Empress of Andorra; The Foundering of the Fortuna; An Episode in High Life; Carvalho; Dr Greatrex’s Engagement; The Backslider; The Curate of Churnside; The Mysterious Occurance in Piccadilly; The Rev. John Creedy; The Beckoning Hand

{1848 -1906} Recommended Readings - The Miser's Ghost

{1868 -1947} Recommended Readings - The Jade God The Days of their Youth In the Beginning A Little Way Ahead Mr Absalom “And from that Day” Brains

{1848 -1899} Recommended Readings - Kalee’s Shrine; The Devil’s Die; The White Man’s Foot; The Jaws of Death; The Great Taboo; The Tents of Shem; Michael’s Crag; The British Barbarians; My New Year’s Eve Among the Mummies; Our Scientific Observations on a Ghost; The Empress of Andorra; The Foundering of the Fortuna; An Episode in High Life; Carvalho; Dr Greatrex’s Engagement; The Backslider; The Curate of Churnside; The Mysterious Occurance in Piccadilly; The Rev. John Creedy; The Beckoning Hand